Rukhsar Ahmad, age 12, vegetarian with middle economic status, is diagnosed with Pyrexia with Entritis.
(Sensation, location, modalities, concomitants)
The girl came to me with her parents with complaints of fever 103 degrees (F) passed loose stools, coughed a lot and appeared restless. Her mother said she feels better, remains quite as long as I held her tight against my body but the moment I move her into any other position she starts crying. She does not want to lie down in the bed even for a minute. She prefers my belly instead. She clings on to my clothes; she lies with her eyes closed and would not open them.
If she tries to lift herself she lies again.
(Skin, eruption, infection, venereal diseases, asthma, tuberculosis, measles, chicken pox or smallpox, typhoid, malaria, etc. and treatment he had at that time.)
(Own side, paternal side, maternal side)
Not Significant
Physical general
Thirst: Adequate
Taste: None
Appetite: Normal
Desire: Not Specific
Aversion: Not Specific
Sleep: Sound refreshing sleep
Dream: doesn’t remember
Stool normal & satisfactory
Urine normal & satisfactory
Sweat: normal
Repertory Selection: Kent repertory
Justification: mentals more prominent
Rx Gelsimium 30
Single dose
After 1 week all complaints were cured SL single dose was given and patient was told if she feels the need she can come again otherwise this is sufficient.
Mayuri Tandon, 42 years, Married Hindu Lady with a middle economic status History of present…