An ulcer is a break in the skin or mucous membrane which is a loss of surface or a breach in the continuity of skin (epithelial tissue).
Aphthous Stomatitis:- It is a very common cause of Ulcer.
3 Types:
- Minor Aphthous
- Major Aphthous
- Herpetiform ulceration
The exact cause is not known, there is a genetic predisposition in some people. Another cause is folate, Vitamin D, Iron Deficiency, other causes are:-
- Smoking
- Stress
- Menstruation
- Trauma
- Food Allergies
- Hypersensitivity to Sodium LaurylSulphate (Found in many kinds of toothpaste)
Infections Cause Oral
Viral —–> ChickenPox, HIV
Bacterial —–> Syphilis, Tuberculosis
Parasitic ——> Leishmaniasis
Mouth Ulcers consists of a medical H/O followed by an oral examination. As a rule, a mouth ulcer does not heal within 2 or 3 weeks it should be examined by a health care specialist who is able to rule out oral cancer.
The diagnosis comes mostly from the history and examination.
Blood Test (Vitamin Deficiencies)
Epstein Barr virus,
HIV Infection
A biopsy may be required to rule out malignancy.
Homeopathic Treatment
There are many remedies in Homeopathy for treatment of Oval ulcers, like Mercurious Solubulous, Borax, Sulphuric Acid, Hydrastis, Muraticum, Kali Bichrome, etc.
Based on symptoms totality we choose the remedy, symptoms are completed when it covers all aspects of L,S,M,C
L – Location
S – Sensation
M – Modality
C – Concomitant
Each symptom is completed in this form and then remedy which is pointed out through repertorization is the drug of choice through which these ulcers are eradicated and hence the recurrence is also put to an end.
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