
A migraine is a type of headache which is the severe, recurring and painful headache. Usually, it appears on one side of the head. Few people who experience it can identify clearly the exciting factors such as allergies, light & stress.

The exact cause of it is not yet known likely causes are:

  1. Hormonal Changes
  2. Physical cause
  3. Emotional Stress
  4. Trigger is diet

Slight meditation that might help reduce the frequency of it:

  1. Reduce Stress
  2. Getting enough Sleep
  3. Drinking plenty of Water
  4. Avoiding certain Food
  5. Regular Physical Excercise

A migraine with Aura

People with its experience warning signals called as Aura. Various auras can be:

  1. Confusing thoughts or experiences
  2. Perception of strange, sparkling
  3. Zig-zag lines in the visual field
  4. Blind spots in the vision
  5. Difficulty in speaking
  6. Unpleasant smell
  7. Visual Disturbances
  8. Loss of senses
  9. Difficulties with speech

Supplements that have been found to help with migraines

  1. Coenzyme Q10
  2. Riboflavin or Vit B-2
  3. Magnesium

All the above are effective in reducing the painfulness of a headache

Homeopathy Treatment

Through Homeopathy, we focus on the holistic approach, we provide tailor-made treatment, we treat the patient mentally, physically and socially. We don’t only give medicine to palliate the case, we treat the patient as a whole and not the part of a Migraine which is suffering. In Homeopathy we treat the miasms which are the fundamental cause behind every disease. Through Homeopathy which is a subtle science of healing, we rectify the deranged Vital Force via following the laws and principals of Homeopathy.